Google Doodle for Jim Henson’s 75th

I consider myself fortunate to share the same birthday with one of the most creative minds of the 20th Century. Who? Jim Henson of course. The “Muppets” Master would have been 75 on September 24 (me, only 40).  In celebration of this event Google and Henson Company collaborated to make a doodle that users can make their own puppet show with. Here’s the link to the YouTube vid: and here’s an example of what users can do 

Applications for learning

Are you using puppets and/or puppet theaters in your classes?  Do you see an application for this in reading, foreign languages, etc?

My students use puppets and a small puppet theater for short videos in the target language.  Using the program PhotoBooth or iMovie they can make creative backgrounds (talking in front of the Eiffel Tower or sitting on a roller coaster) and have these skits be funny, interesting and visually appealing, oh yeah, and they’re speaking the language the whole time!

One comment on “Google Doodle for Jim Henson’s 75th

  1. Brent, I’m in total agreement. There are some good points on the website and probably at some point they have been tried and proven effective; problem is that P21 does not have solutions that are actually for the time in which live and teach. When you think about it, there is no shortage of solutions to the educational issues of today, we just haven’t found a real fix; which is what P21 is pushing. I had to look real hard to find something I haven’t seen or read before.

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